Manufacturing in a way that takes due account of the environment and the health and safety of staff and the general population is of fundamental importance for any industrial activity.
Protecting people and the environment is therefore at the heart of Tessenderlo Group's day-to-day policy. We strive to go further than the statutory requirements. Tessenderlo Group sets aside substantial resources for this purpose every year.
High safety and environmental standards apply to the various plants of the group, including those at low risk.
To give substance to this policy, Tessenderlo Group relies on internationally recognised principles, including Responsible Care and Best Available Techniques and ISO 14001. These serve as optimisation guidelines.
Tessenderlo Group is aware of the impact our production operations have on the planet. We want to take our share of responsibility and minimize the impact of our operations. We will continue to explore ways of reducing our environmental footprint in every aspect of our activities.
“Every Molecule Counts” is at the heart of our strategy and this is expressed by the numerous business activities and projects we deploy in terms of circularity. At the same time, our activities are subject to environmental regulations that could create substantial costs and lead to disputes regarding environmental matters. National and local authorities might even impose “no-fault liability”, leading to a negative impact on our activities. Meanwhile, the environmental regulations in the markets where we operate are becoming stricter, with a growing emphasis on compliance.
We offer various products and environmentally friendly solutions, in which we typically reclaim and transform by-products from our own or other industries.
Based on the outcome of the materiality analyses and taking the assessments of our employees and stakeholder representatives into account, we decided to focus on the topics of water and energy. Both topics represent areas of major importance with regard to helping preserve the natural resources of our planet, and are at the same time material to our business.