
T-Power was founded in 2005, with Tessenderlo Group as one of its original three shareholders. After completion of the development program, the T-Power 425 MW gas-fired combined cycle power plant (CCGT) located in Tessenderlo was built and commissioned in 2011. Thanks to its high efficiency and flexibility, as well as installation upgrades, the T-Power power plant is one of the most competitive gas-fired power plants in Belgium and the broader interconnected electricity trading area. T-Power operates as a project-financed Independent Power Producer and we get our revenues through a 15-year gas-to-electricity tolling agreement with the RWE group. After several changes in shareholding over the years, Tessenderlo Group acquired 100% of T-Power in October 2018 by purchasing the shares held by the remaining shareholders.
T-Power: a 425 MW combined cycle power plant
Engaged in the production of electricity by means of a Siemens-built combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) with 425MW capacity.
Located in Tessenderlo (Belgium).
T-Power is the first Independent Power Producer (IPP) and the first tolling project in Belgium.
T-Power has the most efficient and environmentally friendly CCGT in Belgium.
T-Power employs approximately 30 people.
T-Power is part of Tessenderlo Group.
Remit - integrity and transparency drive
T-Power supports all initiatives that encourage the development of market mechanisms that assist the transparency of information which may help to facilitate competition in energy markets. On December 28, 2011, the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT) came into force across the European Union. The REMIT regulation requires all generators to publicly declare as quickly as possible and in as much detail as possible the current status of power facilities. This includes any problems at the generation facility that could lead to lower performance or plant outages.
T-Power provides this information based on its understanding of the principles of transparency and market integration set by REMIT. This does not imply that all information published has to be considered as inside information according to the definition given by that regulation.
Complete information about REMIT for the T-Power Tessenderlo facilities is available by clicking on this link.

Are you passionate about technology? Are the concepts of realizing excellence in safety and environmental management critical aspects of your current job? Do you want to further develop your career in a hightech environment? Would you like to be involved in energy as we move forward and respond to crucial challenges of the future? For more information about current vacancies, please consult our page vacancies.
T-Power nv/sa, Headquarters
Troonstraat 130, 1050 Elsene, Belgium
T-Power CCGT site
Fabrieksstraat 12, Industriezone West-Limburg 1664
3980 Tessenderlo, Belgium