Share types
1. Which steps should I take to change the nature of my shares from dematerialized to the nominative register:
- Ask your financial institution to fill in and sign the attached document (Dutch, English or French);
- Ask your financial institution to provide a document with all your relevant personal information (surname, first name, address, email address (if any), cash account number, number of shares concerned);
- Ask your financial institution to send the document in clear pdf format to shareholdersregister@tessenderlo.com with a clear copy of an identity document (ID, passport or driving license) with your handwritten signature + date.
After receipt of ALL the documents, Tessenderlo Group NV will handle the transaction free of charge. However your own financial institution may charge you a fee for this transaction, so please check with your contact person.
Tessenderlo Group NV will inform you when your shares have been transferred into the shareholders’ register. This may take between 1 and 3 weeks.
2. Which steps should I take to withdraw my shares from the nominative register?
Your shares will be transferred into a securities account you hold at your bank, after having done the following:
- Fill in (surname, first name, securities account number at your bank and number of shares to be transferred) and sign the attached document (Dutch, English or French);
- Add a clear copy of an identity document (ID, passport or driving license) with your handwritten signature + date;
- Add a proof from your bank that the securities account number belongs to you;
- Send these documents in clear pdf format to shareholdersregister@tessenderlo.com.
After receipt of ALL the documents, Tessenderlo Group NV will handle the transaction free of charge. However your own financial institution may charge you a fee for this transaction, so please check with your contact person.
Your bank will inform you when your shares have been transferred onto your securities account. This may take between 1 and 3 weeks.
3. What should I do if I want to sell my shares ?
- The procedure as described in point 2 will need to be followed, as your shares will first have to be dematerialized and be transferred to your securities account.
- Once the transfer of shares is made to your securities account, you can ask your bank to sell these shares.
4. How do I receive dividends when my shares are included in the nominative register?
If after proposal by the board, the annual general meeting agrees to pay out a dividend, then Tessenderlo Group NV will automatically transfer the dividends to the account number that was provided by you when you entered the shares in the register.
5. How can I participate in general meetings?
If your shares are registered in the register, you will automatically receive an invitation letter, which will include instructions to register your participation.
Any communication related to the administration of the shareholders’ register (registration or deregistration) should be addressed, as from March 1, 2019, to shareholdersregister@tessenderlo.com (more information can be found here).